Talks and Presentations

MCSG - What we do

Forthcoming Presentations


Previous Presentations

Bowel Cancer Awareness: Treatment – Robotic Surgery


by Mr Colin Pierce M.D., FRCSI Consultant Colorectal / General Surgeon.


Also, Miss Fiona Treacy Promotions Officer, National Cancer Screening Service – Presentation on Cancer Screening Programmes.


Monaleen Clubhouse, Monday 30th January 2017 at 8PM.

Minding you skin


By Sheila Ryan ANP Dermatology, University Hospital Limerick.


Topics covered Skin Damage and Protection, Skin Cancer and Eczema. Monaleen Clubhouse, Wed 7th Mar 2018 at 8PM.

Minding The Body, Mending The Mind -Mon 25th January

Monaleen Cancer Support Group invite you to a presentation “Minding The Body, Mending The Mind” by Prof Fergus
Heffernan PhD (Psych) in Monaleen GAA Clubhouse on Mon 25th January,
8pm Admission Free All Welcome. Contact Marie: 085 7544427 for more details.


Be Cancer Aware – 18th November 2015

Speaker: Prof R Gupta Oncologist UHL



Food For Thought – 22nd April 2015

Speakers: Gillian Dawson   oncology dietitian UHL My Story , Living With Cancer by Ciaran Smyth

Food-For-ThoughtThe correct diet can greatly reduce the risk of cancer. There are certain foods that are particularly associated with assisting, these are considered to have a detoxifying effect.

A hierarchy pyramid of dietary requirements was presented as well as general healthy lifestyle requirements for cancer prevention.


The issues covered were :

  • Overall presentation on diet-related ill health.
  • Improving attitudes and knowledge about healthy dietary behaviour.
  • Limiting unhealthy cues and limiting the promotion of unhealthy food and drink products.
  • Creating an environment that promotes healthy dietary behaviour
  • The relationship and interdependence between correct diet, wellbeing, fitness and general life balance.


Mens Health – 3rd of December 2014

Speakers: Mr. Subhasis Giri Consultant Urologist & Shiela Kiely prostate nurse coordinater UHL

10712624_10154816266900147_2965945575014616135_oOver 10000 men in Ireland are diagnosed with cancer each year.

The purpose of the presentation was to heighten the awareness of cancer related health problems, encourage prevention measures, early detection and treatment.

The presentation:

The presentation covered the issues associated with mens cancer.

The cancers that most frequently affect men are prostate, colon, lung, testicular, bowel and skin cancers, mouth, head and neck cancers are also common. The presentation elaborated on these cancers and the things you can do to help lower your risk or find them early which may save your life.



Be Breast Aware – October 22nd 2014

Speakers: Ms. Shona Tormey & Ms. Anne Merrigian Consultant Breast Surgeons UHL

Ireland had the fourth highest estimated breast cancer incidence and mortality of 27 European countries in 2008

The Presentation covered the issues associated with breast cancer

  • Types of breast cancer
  • Symptoms and diagnosis of breast cancer
  • Breast cancer treatment
  • How to check yourself
  • Treatment of breast cancer
  • Living with breast cancer
  • Prevention of breast cancer
  • Breast cancer screening program


Skin Protection – May 2013

This presentation was held under the auspices of the Irish Cancer Society.
Skin Cancer is the most common form of cancer in Ireland.


Types of Skin Cancer :


There are two main types of skin cancer: non-melanoma and malignant melanoma. Non-melanoma which usually comprises basal and squamous cell carcinoma is highly curable.


Malignant melanoma is the least common yet most dangerous form of skin cancer. (Ref.: National Cancer Registry)




This campaign, organized through the Irish Cancer Society, originated in Australia which has very high levels of skin cancer incidence.


The objective is to increase awareness of the dangers of over exposure to the sun. They provide seminars, presentations, a code of practice and literature on sun related skin cancer dangers. The re is a great emphasis on ensuring children are protected from sunburn.